Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



This method returns a definition of the session. This definition holds all the parameters that define the session to be created. Once the session defined, a call to the getSession() method actually creates and returns the session. ContainerSessions are generally used by apps that run within the Refinitiv Workspace application or in the same browser than Refinitiv Workspace Web.


Definition(appKey: string)


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
appKey No - string It could be passed as a single parameter without ContainerSessionParams object creation in case the rest of optional parameters.

Returned value: a new instance of Session.SessionDefinition.

Definition(params: ContainerSessionParams)


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
appKey No - string RW Application key necessary to authenticate the specific application with the session.
bus Yes IpcBusService instance IpcBusService/WorkspaceSdkBus Instance of transport bus, can be JET, IPC, etc. If not passed window.JET is used.
scope Yes trapi string Defines limits the scope of Refinitiv data services for this sign on session

Returned value: a new instance of Session.SessionDefinition.

Example of usage

import { Session } from '@refinitiv-data/data-containersession';

const containerSession = Session.Container.Definition('appKey').getSession();
