Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



Search.Definition objects are used to define search queries and their parameters.
Once the query defined, your application just needs to call the getData() method of the Definition to retrieve the related search results.


Definition(query: string)

Allows you to create short Definition for the Search content object


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
query No - string A single string can be used to create definition object. This string value will be used as query param.

Returned value: a Definition object

Definition(params: Search.Params)

Allows you to create full Definition for the Search content object

Search.Params properties:

Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
query No - string One of two parameters (the other being filter) which restricts the set of documents matched
view Yes View.SearchAll enum Identifies a subset of the overall search data universe. See View
filter Yes - string Where query is for unstructured end-user-oriented restriction, filter is for structured programmatic restriction.
orderBy Yes - string Defines the order in which matching documents should be returned.
boost Yes - string This argument supports exactly the same predicate expression syntax as filter , but where filter restricts which documents are matched at all, boost just applies a large scoring boost to documents it matches, which will almost always guarantee that they appear at the top of the results.
select Yes - string[] List of the properties of a document to be returned in the response.
top Yes 10 number The maximum number of documents to retrieve. Must be non-negative.
skip Yes 0 number The number of documents to skip in the sorted result set before returning the next top.
groupBy Yes - string If specified, this must name a single Groupable property. Returned documents are grouped into buckets based on their value for this property.
groupCount Yes 3 (when groupBy is specified) number When supplied in combination with groupBy, sets the maximum number of documents to be returned per bucket.
navigators Yes - string This can name one or more properties, separated by commas, each of which must be Navigable.
features Yes - enum The list of feature names which should be enabled for this request. See Feature
extendedParams Yes - {[key: string]: any} Specifies the parameters that will be merged with the request

Returned value: a Definition object

getData(session: Session)

Sends a request to the data platform to retrieve search results described by the Definition object.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
session No - Session Session instance

Returned value: a ContentResponse

Example of usage:

const query = 'CTO Microsoft';
const definition = Search.definition({ query, view: Search.View.People });

const searchRes = await definition.getData(session);