Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



The method is used to create the Definition for an Eti.


Definition(instrumentCode: string)

Allows you to create an Eti data Definition object


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
instrumentCode No - string It is passed as parameter, it will be used as instrumentCode from Eti.Params.

Returned value: a Definition object

Definition(params: Eti.Params)

Allows you to create an Eti data Definition object

Eti.Params properties:

Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
instrumentCode No - string The code that represents the instrument. That is, RIC is for Equities and Indices, and RICROOT is for Futures.
cleanInstrumentCode Yes - string -
exchange Yes - string Specifies the exchange to be used to retrieve the underlying data.
isFutureUnderlying Yes - boolean -
surfaceLayout Yes - enum This object property contains the properties that may be used to control how the surface is displayed. See Eti.Layout bellow
surfaceTag Yes - string This is a user-defined string that is used to identify the output of the calculation
surfaceParameters Yes - Eti.CalculationParams[] This object property contains the properties that may be used to control the calculation. See Eti.CalculationParams bellow
outputs Yes - Output[] See Eti.Output
extendedParams Yes - {[key: string]: any} Specifies the parameters that will be merged with the request


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
format No - enum See Eti.LayoutFormat
dataPoints Yes - LayoutDataPoint[] See Eti.LayoutDataPoint bellow
xPointCount Yes - number -
xValues Yes - string[] -
yPointCount Yes - number -
yValues Yes - string[] -
zPointCount Yes - number -
zValues Yes - string[] -


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
x No - number -
y No - number -


Property Is Optional Default Value Description
xAxis No - enum
yAxis No - enum
calculationDate Yes - string
filters Yes - Eti.SurfaceFilters[]
inputVolatilityType Yes - enum
moneynessType Yes - enum
priceSide Yes - enum
timeStamp Yes - enum
volatilityModel Yes - enum
weights Yes - MoneynessWeight[]


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
atmToleranceIntervalPercent Yes - number ITM options are excluded from the list of input options.
ensurePricesMonotonicity Yes - boolean
maturityFilterRange Yes - Eti.MaturityFilter[] Allows to specify the range of option expiries to be used to build the surface. See Eti.MaturityFilter bellow
strikeRangePercent Yes - Eti.StrikeFilter[] Allows to specify the range of option strikes to be used to build the surface. See Eti.StrikeFilter bellow
useOnlyCalls Yes - boolean -
useOnlyPuts Yes - boolean -
useWeeklyOptions Yes - boolean Filter on the weekly options.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
maxMoneyness No - number Specifies the upper bound of the range.
minMoneyness No - number Specifies the lower bound of the range.
weight No - number Specifies the weight which should be applied to the strike moneyness.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
maxMaturity Yes - string Max Maturity to consider in the filtering. (expressed in tenor)
minMaturity Yes - string Min Maturity to consider in the filtering. (expressed in tenor)
minOfMedianNbOfStrikesPercent Yes - number Remove maturities whose number of strikes is less than the MinOfMedianNbOfStrikesPercent of the Median number of Strikes.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
maxOfMedianImpliedVol No - number Remove strikes whose implied volume is more than MaxOfMedianImpliedVolPercent x Median implied Vol.
minOfMedianImpliedVol No - number Remove strikes whose implied volume is less than MinOfMedianImpliedVolPercent x Median implied Vol.

Returned value: a Definition object

getData(session: Session)

Sends a request to the data platform to retrieve the data described by the Definition object.


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
session No - Session Session instance

Returned value: a ContentResponse

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