Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



This method allos you to create a Chain Definition object that contains methods to work with streaming API.
Once the data is described, your application just needs to call the getStream() method of the Definition to create a Chain.Stream object for the defined data.


Definition(name: string)

Allows you to create a short Definition object for the Chain content object.


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
name No - string Single instrument name

Returned value: a Definition object

Definition(params: Chain.Params)

Allows you to create a full Definition object for the Chain content object.

Chain.Params properties:

Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
name No - string -
service Yes - string -
skipEmpty Yes - boolean -
overrideSummaryLinks Yes - number -
skipSummaryLinks Yes - boolean -
nameGuessingQuantity Yes - number -
extendedParams Yes - {[key:string]:any} Specifies the parameters that will be merged with the request

Returned value: a Definition object

getStream(session: Session, api?: string)

Description: Creates a Chain.StreamingChain object for the defined data.


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
session No - Session Session instance
api Yes 'pricing/main' string -

Returned value: a Chain.StreamingChain

Example of usage

const stream1 = Pricing.Chain.Definition('.AV.HSI').getStream(session); 
// or
const stream2 = Pricing.Chain.Definition({
    name: '.AV.HSI',
    skipEmpty: true,
    nameGuessingQuantity: 8
}).getStream(session, 'some/api/main');