Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



A Streaming Metadata allows to retrieve real time fields description and fields enumerations for the specific fields by name or by id.
Extends EventEmitter



Open the Metadata connection


Closes the Metadata connection.

getFieldDescription(field: string | number)

This method is responsible for retrieving field description data by instrument Acronym or ID.


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
field No - string/number Acronym of a field or field ID. Acronym is a string, e.g. short name, ID is a number

Returned value: FieldDescription


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
NAME No - string Field's acronym, e.g. Short Name, string, like PROD_PERM
FID No - number Field ID, number, -32768 to 32767
RIPPLETO No - string/null If the field ripples, this is the Field NAME (acronym) of the field it ripples to. A value of null indicates no rippling. For a description of rippling, refer to the Message API Java EditionDevelopers Guide. String
RWFTYPE No - enum The data type of the field. See RWFType
RWFLEN No - number The maximum length needed to cache the encoded value defined in RWFType. This is only a suggestion and is not enforced. A length of 0 implies that the maximum possible size for that type should be used for caching. Number, 0 to 65535
LONGNAME No - string Equivalent to the field’s DDE ACRONYM (i.e., Long Name), string, like PERMISSION

getFieldEnumeration(field: string | number)

This method is responsible for retrieving field enumeration data by instrument Acronym or ID.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
field No - string/number Acronym of a field or field ID. Acronym is a string, e.g. short name, ID is a number

Returned value: Map<number, string>

  • Key of the Map - the unsigned, integer value corresponding to the enumerated value of the field.
  • Value of the Map - respective display data of the key, Ascii string.