Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



The method is used to create a Definition object.


Definition(params: Repo.Params)

Description: Creates a Repo data Definition object


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
underlyingInstruments No - RepoUnderlyingContractInstrument[] Definition of the underlying instruments. Only Bond Contracts are supported for now, and only one Bond can be use. See Repo.RepoUnderlyingContractInstrument bellow
instrumentTag Yes - string User provided string that will also be part of the response. It can be used to link output results to the instrument definition. Limited to 40 characters. Only alphabetic, numeric and '- _.#=@' characters are supported.
startDate Yes - string When the underlying security is exchanged.
endDate Yes - string The repurchase date of the repo, when the seller (borrower) repurchases the security back.
tenor Yes - string Tenor that defines the duration of the Repo in case no EndDate has been provided. In that case, EndDate is computed from StartDate and Tenor.
isCouponExchanged Yes - boolean Specifies whether or not intermediate coupons are exchanged: True /No
repoRatePercent Yes - number Custom Repo Rate in percentage. If not provided in the request, it will be computed by interpolating/extrapolating a Repo Curve.
dayCountBasis Yes - enum Day Count Basis convention to apply to the custom Repo rate. See Repo.DayCountBasisConvention
pricingParameters Yes - Repo.PricingParameters[] This object property contains the properties that may be used to control the calculation. See Repo.PricingParameters bellow
fields Yes - string [] -
outputs Yes - enum See Repo.Outputs
extendedParams Yes - {[key: string]: any} Specifies the parameters that will be merged with the request

When string is passed as parameter, it will be used as instrumentCode from Repo.Params.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
instrumentType No - string -
instrumentDefinition No - Bond.InstrumentDefinition[] Definition of the Repo underlying contract. For the moment only bonds are managed. See Bond.InstrumentDefinition bellow
pricingParameters Yes - Repo.RepoUnderlyingPricingParameters[] Pricing parameters to apply to the Repo underlying instrument. See Repo.RepoUnderlyingPricingParameters bellow


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
instrumentCode No - string -
instrumentTag Yes - string User provided string set to identify the instrument.
notionalAmount Yes - number Notional amount of the underlying.
fixedRatePercent Yes - string -
issueDate Yes - string -
endDate Yes - string -
notionalCcy Yes - string -
interestPaymentFrequency Yes - string -
interestCalculationMethod Yes - enum See Repo.DayCountBasisConvention
accruedCalculationMethod Yes - enum See Repo.DayCountBasisConvention
paymentBusinessDayConvention Yes - enum See Repo.BusinessDayConvention
paymentRollConvention Yes - enum See Repo.PaymentRollConvention


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
valuationDate Yes - string The valuation date for pricing. The valuation date is the date where cash flow is discounted.
marketDataDate Yes - string The market data date for pricing.
settlementConvention Yes - string Settlement tenor for the repo. By default, the rule is that repoStartDate = valuationDate = marketDataDate + settlementConvention.
reportCcy Yes - string Pricing data is computed in deal currency. If a report currency is set, pricing data is also computed in report currency.
couponReinvestmentRatePercent Yes - number Rate used to reinvest the underlying asset's income.
repoCurveType Yes - enum Curve used to compute the repo rate. See Repo.RepoCurveType


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
repoParameters Yes - Repo.RepoParameters[] Repo parameters to be applied on underlying bond. See Repo.RepoParameters bellow
pricingParametersAtEnd Yes - enum Pricing parameters of underlying bond at Repo end date. See Bond.PricingParameters
pricingParametersAtStart Yes - enum Pricing parameters of underlying bond at Repo start date. See Bond.PricingParameters
valuationDate Yes - string The valuation date for pricing. The valuation date is the date where cash flow is discounted.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
couponPaidAtHorizon Yes - boolean Total amount of coupon paid at the end date of the repo, without reinvestment. The value is equal to 0 If IsCouponExchanged=false.
haircutRatePercent Yes - number Repo contract's haircut par in percentage, for computing the transaction's Margin.
initialMarginPercent Yes - number Repo contract's initial margin in percentage. InitialMarginPercent=100/ (1- HaircutPercent/100).

Returned value: a Definition object

getData(session: Session)

Description: Sends a request to the data platform to retrieve the data described by the Definition object.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
session No - Session Session instance

Returned value: a ContentResponse.

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