Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



Pricing.Definition objects are used to define the Pricing data your application needs to retrieve.
Definition objects describe the universe (list of instruments), the fields and other parameters that will be requested to the data platform.
Once the data is described, your application just needs to call the getStream() method of the Definition to create a Pricing.Stream object for the defined data.


Definition(universe: string)

Allows you to create a short definition for the Pricing content object.


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
universe No - string A single instrument name (e.g. 'EUR=')

Returned value: a Definition object

Definition(universe: string[ ])

Allows you to create a short definition for the Pricing content object.


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
universe No - string [] Multiple instruments name (e.g. ['EUR=', 'CAD=', 'UAH='])

Returned value: a Definition object

Definition(params: Pricing.Params)

Allows you to create a full definition for the Pricing content object.

Pricing.Param properties:

Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
universe No - string string[]
fields Yes - string[] Specifies the specific fields to be delivered when messages arrive
service Yes - string Offers the ability to use specific service to manage the realtime streaming data
extendedParams Yes - {[key: string]: any} Specifies the parameters that will be merged with the request

Returned value: a Definition object

getStream(session: Session.Session, api?: string)

Allows you to create a Pricing.Stream object for the defined data.


Name Is Optional Default Value Type Description
session No - Session Session instance
api Yes 'pricing/main' string API path in the configuration file to build a streaming url

Returned value: Pricing.Stream

Examples of usage:

Definition example

// Definition example
const params1 = 'EUR=';
// or
const params2 = ['EUR=', 'CAD=', 'UAH='];
// or
const params3 = {
  universe: 'EUR=',
  fields: ['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID_NET_CH']
// or 
const params4 = {
  universe: ['EUR=', 'CAD=', 'UAH='],
  fields: ['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID_NET_CH'],
  service: 'some_service',
  extendedParams: {
    filter: 'FILTER',
const pricingDefinition: PricingDefinition = Pricing.Definition(params);

getStream example

// getStream example
const stream = Pricing.Definition('EUR=').getStream(session);