Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



The method is used to create the Definition for a IRSwap.


Definition(params: IRSwap.Params)

Allows you to creates an IRSwap data Definition object

IRSwap.Params properties:

Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
instrumentTag Yes - string A user provided string that will also be part of the response. Max length: 40 characters. Only alphabetic, numeric and '- _.#=@' characters are allowed.
tradeDate Yes - string Swap contract creation date.
startDate Yes - string The date on which the swap starts accruing interest (effective date).
endDate Yes - string The maturity date of the swap.
tenor Yes - string The period code that represents the time between the start date and end date
settlementCcy Yes - string For non-deliverable instrument, the ISO 4217 code of the settlement currency.
isNonDeliverable Yes - boolean A flag that indicates if the swap is non-deliverable.
instrumentCode Yes - string A swap RIC that is used to retrieve the description of the swap contract.
template Yes - string A reference to a common swap contract.
legs Yes - SwapLegDefinition[] The legs of the Swap to provide a full definition of the swap if no template or instrumentCode have been defined. See IRSwap.SwapLegDefinition bellow
pricingParameters Yes - IRSwap.PricingParameters See IRSwap.PricingParameters bellow
fields Yes - string []
outputs Yes - enum See IRSwap.Outputs
extendedParams Yes - {[key: string]: any} Specifies the parameters that will be merged with the request


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
interestType No - enum A flag that indicates whether the leg is fixed or float. See IRSwap.InterestType
direction No - enum The direction of the leg. See IRSwap.Direction
notionalCcy No - string ISO 4217 code of the notional currency.
interestPaymentFrequency No - enum Frequency of the interest payments.See IRSwap.PaymentFrequency
interestCalculationMethod No - enum The method used to calculate the interest payments. See IRSwap.DayCountBasisConvention
legTag Yes - string User-defined string to identify the leg
notionalAmount Yes - number Notional amount of the leg at the period start date.
fixedRatePercent Yes - number Fixed coupon rate in percentage.
indexName Yes - string The name of the floating rate index. Cf list of index names below.
indexTenor Yes - string The tenor (1M, 2M, ..., 1Y) of the floating rate index.
indexFixingRIC Yes - string RIC to get the fixing. This value overrides the RIC associated internally with the IndexName and IndexTenor
spreadBp Yes - number The spread in basis point that is added to the floating rate index value.
accruedCalculationMethod Yes - enum The method used calculate the accrued interest payment. Possible values are the same as for interestCalculationMethod. See IRSwap.DayCountBasisConvention
paymentBusinessDayConvention Yes - enum The method to adjust dates to a working day. See IRSwap.BusinessDayConvention
paymentRollConvention Yes - enum The method to adjust payment dates when they fall at the end of the month (28th of February, 30th, 31st). See IRSwap.PaymentRollConvention
indexResetFrequency Yes - enum The reset frequency in case the leg Type is Float. See IRSwap.ResetFrequency
indexResetType Yes - enum A flag that indicates if the floating rate index is reset before the coupon period starts or at the end of the coupon period. See IRSwap.ResetType
indexFixingLag Yes - number Defines the number of working days between the fixing date and the start of the coupon period ('InAdvance') or the end of the coupon period ('InArrears'). Cf indexResetType field.
firstRegularPaymentDate Yes - string The first regular coupon payment date for swaps with an odd first coupon.
lastRegularPaymentDate Yes - string The last regular coupon payment date for swaps with an odd last coupon.
amortizationSchedule Yes - any A structure that defines the amortization schedule of the swap (see Amortizations section for more details).
paymentBusinessDays Yes - string A list of coma-separated calendar codes to adjust dates (e.g., 'EMU' or 'USA').
notionalExchange Yes - enum A flag that indicates if and when the notional amount exchanged. See IRSwap.NotionalExchange
adjustInterestToPaymentDate Yes - enum A flag that indicates if the coupon dates are adjusted to the payment dates.See IRSwap.AdjustInterest
indexCompoundingMethod Yes - enum A flag that defines how the coupon rate is calculated from the reset floating rates when the reset frequency is higher than the interest payment frequency (e.g. daily index reset with quarterly interest payment). See IRSwap.IndexCalculationMethod
interestPaymentDelay Yes - number The number of working days between the end of coupon period and the actual interest payment date.
stubRule Yes - enum The rule that defines whether coupon roll dates are calculated backwards from maturity or forward from the issue date. See IRSwap.StubRule


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
valuationDate Yes - string The valuation date for pricing.
reportCcy Yes - string Pricing data is computed in deal currency. If a report currency is set, pricing data is also computed in report currency.
marketDataDate Yes - string The market data date for pricing.
marketValueInDealCcy Yes - number The target market value of the swap expressed in deal currency.
discountingTenor Yes - string User defined discounting tenor (ex: OIS, 1M, 3M, 6M, 1Y) applied to both legs of the swap.
discountingCcy Yes - string User defined discounting currency.
indexConvexityAdjustmentType Yes - string Convexity adjustment type for CMS swaps and Libor in arrears swaps. Values can be: None, BlackScholes, LiborSwapMethod, or Replication.

Returned value: a Definition object

getData(session: Session)

Sends a request to the data platform to retrieve the data described by the Definition object.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
session No - Session Session instance

Returned value: a ContentResponse.

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