Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



A comma-separated list of feature names which should be enabled for this request, where a "feature" is essentially a flag directive which requires no further details. Features supported so far are:

  • Feature.quoteperm
  • Feature.spell
  • Feature.tcm


Description: Forces permissioning to be applied to QUOTE/STIR content; any quote docs for which the user is not permissioned will not be matched. This isn't really a legal or contractual requirement; those generally apply to timeseries data which doesn't go through search. Rather, it's a courtesy feature intended to avoid showing quotes in search results when the user won't be able to do anything with them.


Description: If Query looks misspelled it still will be run through the search as entered, but an alternative spelling will be suggested if it looks more productive.


Description: Attempts to interpret Query as a "Ticker Coupon Maturity" microformat, e.g. vod 5% 2028 will be parsed as searching for instruments with a ticker of vod, a coupon of 5% and maturing in 2028.

For more information, please follow this link to the API Playgraund: