Refinitiv Data Library for TypeScript



The method is used to create the Definition for a CapFloor.


Definition(params: CapFloor.Params)

Allows you to create a CapFloor data Definition object

CapFloor.Params properties:

Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
notionalCcy No - string The ISO code of the notional currency.
buySell No - enum The side of the deal. BuySell
capStrikePercent No - number Cap leg strike expressed in %
adjustInterestToPaymentDate Yes - enum A flag that indicates if the coupon dates are adjusted to the payment dates. See CapFloor.AdjustInterest
amortizationSchedule Yes - AmortizationItemDefinition[] General class to describe a section/item of amortization schedule. See CapFloor.AmortizationItemDefinition bellow
endDate Yes - string The maturity date of the CapFloor
floorStrikePercent Yes - number Floor leg strike expressed in %
indexFixingLag Yes - number Defines the positive number of working days between the fixing date and the start of the coupon period ('InAdvance') or the end of the coupon period ('InArrears').
indexFixingRic Yes - string The RIC that carries the fixing value.
indexName Yes - string The name of the floating rate index.
indexResetFrequency Yes - enum The reset frequency in case the leg Type is Float. See CapFloor.PaymentFrequency
indexResetType Yes - enum A flag that indicates if the floating rate index is reset before the coupon period starts or at the end of the coupon period. See CapFloor.ResetType
indexTenor Yes - string The period code that represents the maturity of the floating rate index.
instrumentTag Yes - string User defined string to identify the instrument.
interestCalculationMethod Yes - enum The Day Count Basis method used to calculate the coupon interest payments. See CapFloor.DayCountBasisConvention
interestPaymentFrequency Yes - enum The frequency of the interest payments. See CapFloor.PaymentFrequency
notionalAmount Yes - number The notional amount of the leg at the period start date.
paymentBusinessDayConvention Yes - enum The method to adjust dates to a working day. See CapFloor.PaymentFrequency
paymentRollConvention Yes - enum The method to adjust payment dates whn they fall at the end of the month (28th of February, 30th, 31st). See CapFloor.PaymentFrequency
startDate Yes - string The option start date
stubRule Yes - enum The rule that defines whether coupon roll dates are aligned on the maturity or the issue date. See StubRule
tenor Yes - string Tenor of the option
pricingParameters Yes - CapFloor.PricingParameters[] See CapFloor.PricingParameters bellow
fields Yes - string [] -
outputs Yes - enum See CapFloor.Outputs
extendedParams Yes - {[key: string]: any} Specifies the parameters that will be merged with the request


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
amortizationFrequency Yes - enum Frequency of the Amortization. AmortizationFrequency
amortizationType Yes - enum Amortization type Annuity, Schedule, Linear. AmortizationType
amount Yes - number Amortization Amount at each Amortizatin Date
endDate Yes - string End Date of an amortization section/window, or stepped rate
remainingNotional Yes - number The Remaining Notional Amount after Amortization
startDate Yes - string Start Date of an amortization section/window, or stepped rate


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
indexConvexityAdjustmentIntegrationMethod Yes - enum See CapFloor.ConvexityAdjustmentIntegrationMethod
indexConvexityAdjustmentMethod Yes - enum See CapFloor.ConvexityAdjustmentMethod
marketValueInDealCcy Yes - number MarketValueInDealCcy to override and that will be used as pricing analysis input to compute VolatilityPercent.
reportCcy Yes - string Valuation is performed in deal currency. If a report currency is set, valuation is done in that report currency.
skipFirstCapFloorlet Yes - boolean Indicates whether to take in consideration the first caplet.
valuationDate Yes - string The valuation date for pricing.

Returned value: a Definition object

getData(session: Session)

Sends a request to the data platform to retrieve the data described by the Definition object.


Property Is Optional Default Value Type Description
session No - Session Session instance

Returned value: ContentResponse.